type of instruction

英 [taɪp ɒv ɪnˈstrʌkʃn] 美 [taɪp əv ɪnˈstrʌkʃn]

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  1. The other main type of processor architecture, CISC ( the x86 processor being a popular CISC instruction set), allows for memory access in nearly every instruction.
  2. This type of crash results when a kernel routine invokes a trap instruction.
  3. Obviously, that's not good, so the server needs to have some type of instruction on what to do when it's finished processing the request sent to it by XMLHttpRequest.
  4. More and more students are benefiting from hit modern type of instruction.
  5. More and more students are benefiting from this modern type of instruction.
  6. Building this type of instruction will be in a certain period of time on the development of higher education and university campuses have an active role in development.
  7. This dissertation analyses the type of play instruction adapting to the learning mode of children, designs the interaction pattern between teachers and children, guiding strategy and evaluative system of play instruction.
  8. The case study method of law type of instruction is the innovation of teaching and a beneficial means which is proved to have stood the test.
  9. Network instruction is a new type of instruction using modern information technology methods such as computer network technology and multimedia technology etc.
  10. In term of Piagetian theory of cognitive development stages, we study pupils 'cognitive bases of learning science knowledge. Carrying out this type of research may give support to science inquiry instruction designs.
  11. This paper also summarizes the relationship between the function of water distribution control system, structure of hardware, software pro-gramming, type of control instruction, application of variable speed pumps, and overall control system.
  12. Type, Stage and Characteristics of Learning Strategy Instruction
  13. This type of instruction is characterized by the opening and internationalism of pedagogical thinking, the multiformity of teaching patterns, the modernity and practicality of teaching methods, and the systematization of teaching materials.
  14. It refers to a type of language teaching which takes 'tasks' as its key units for designing and implementing of second language instruction.
  15. Rather, it characterizes the type of classroom talk or instruction that treats the texts and the teachers as the sole source of knowledge while positioning students as receptacles to be filled with linguistic knowledge and factual information from the reading passages.
  16. According to cotton socks pattern type and characteristics of the machine instruction, research the lossless data compression algorithms.
  17. Positioning accuracy of CNC machine tools directly determines the equipment can processing components as well as the type of precision, it usually refers to a work table of a machine tool spindle in NC instruction or drive reaches a set position degree.
  18. Through comparison the good and bad effects for each kind of laser to the human body, we has chosen the type of instruction laser and the work laser.